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Stone industry Cheng Lu advises economic development and force

Release time:01-09 10:39 Views:97 Font size:

  Luquan County, located in the third section of Kunming, has shown a beautiful economic card this year. By focusing on transforming the economic development mode, the unique stone resources of the county are currently forming the development momentum of industrial agglomeration and become the driving force. A new force in the county's economic and social development. Yesterday, during the on-site observation of the Municipal Party Committee Work Conference, Lu’s vision of creating a “hometown of sandstone in the world” was a good footnote for “basic resources” and “developmental resources”.

  Qiu He, a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, pointed out that economic resources can be divided into two types: one is basic resources and the other is developmental resources. The transfer cost of 10 billion yuan of basic resources is tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of times the cost of transfer of the same amount of developmental resources. The reason is very simple. For example, the transportation cost of 10 billion yuan of coal or oil is 10 billion times that of talent, intellectual property, and patent transfer costs of 10 billion yuan. Knowledge is virtual, and transfer does not even cost.

  In the process of building a regional international city, Kunming's advanced manufacturing, resource deep processing, new energy industry, high-tech industry and urban modern agriculture "five bases" are necessary carriers to accelerate the internationalization of industrial development. For counties and districts with advanced economic development, it is especially necessary to introduce developmental resources to develop basic resources.

  Luquan is the most concentrated area of sandstone resources in our province, and it is also the region with the most abundant stone resources. There are more than 30 kinds of proven stone varieties in the territory, among which sandstone is better in structure, high in hardness, smooth in texture and stable in background. Known throughout the country, the proven resource reserves are about 350 million cubic meters. It has been developed and utilized at about 1.7 square kilometers, with an annual mining capacity of about 25,000 cubic meters.

  How to further make the Luquan stone industry go healthier and develop better, which has become the main thinking of the county party committee and the county government in the past two years. In 2010, Luquan County proposed to gradually integrate, control, shut down small-scale and non-environmental requirements of roadside stone factories, introduce leading enterprises into the development of stone parks, and position the stone industry as the pillar of the county's industrial development. industry. In the process of expanding and strengthening the stone industry, Luquan chose to site and plan a Luquan Stone Industrial Park covering an area of about 500 mu, attracting and integrating stone processing enterprises to gradually enter the park, and actively planning to build Luquan into Yunnan and even China. The largest sandstone stone production area, exhibition area and trading area, focus on creating a unique "world sandstone town".

  According to reports, there are currently more than 40 stone enterprises in Luquan, mainly leading enterprises such as Tianxiong, Longhui, Xinchao and Bangzhou. Among them, there are 2 enterprises with an investment of over 100 million yuan, 2 enterprises with over 50 million yuan, 3 enterprises with over 30 million yuan, and 5 enterprises with over 10 million yuan. 15 mines have been developed and 2800 employees have been employed. The rest of the people. Products from simple sheet metal processing to engineering specifications, special-shaped lines, cylinders, sculptures, handicrafts, etc., effectively increase the added value of products, but also play a positive role in protecting the environment and saving resources. Stone products are sold throughout the country and exported to many countries and regions around the world, and the output value is increasing at a rate of 30% per year. Through the leading role of leading enterprises, the development of the stone industry of Luquan has now formed an industrial cluster, and has increased the added value of stone products, and has its own fist products.

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